Shred Shred Shred!
Posted on Saturday, April 20, 2013
20 April
So, I have decided to try out the Bondi Vixen 30 Day Core Challenge and more importantly, a 30 day "shredding" diet plan. This is a low carb, protein enriched diet where you eat every 3 hours, mainly sticking to eggs, protein such as chicken, fish and other meat and veges. Furthermore, you are not allowed to drink alcohol which isn't much of a problem for me because the only things I like drinking are a bit too out of my price range (good wine, good cocktails and good spiced rum).
This diet plan began on the 15th of April and so far it's been pretty good! I am NOT doing this for weight-loss reasons. I am doing this because to be honest, I want to try something new and my mum is out of town for a while. My mother is the best cook I know. And because she's so amazing, it means I eat A LOT. With this diet plan, I get to make my own food and choose my portions (instead of having mum making cakes 24/7 and me eating them because they're amazing. An example;
First of all, let me tell you what I ate as my last carbo loaded, alcohol included meal.
That's right. I could have gone with a huge bowl of pasta, or a pizza but nope. Went for good ol sushi and Rekorderlig - the best cider out on the shelves at the moment. The sad thing is, I can eat half of this on the diet so... I guess I started early!
What's the daily food routine you ask?
In the mornings I have scrambled eggs, smoked salmon, spinach and tomatoes (if I'm feeling naughty). After 3 hours I usually have Lo Carb Bites from Bsc which I like because I feel like they're a bit of a treat (they are swiss chocolate flavoured). Then for lunch it's usually a medium can of tuna or grilled chicken with salad. Afternoon tea is usually a can of fish and then dinner is protein (so far I've had chilli fish, teriyaki chicken, sashimi) accompanied by salad or (more recently) ratatouille.