Around The World: Japan

Posted on Sunday, April 22, 2012

22 April


Japanese food. My favourite in the world. Until recently I actually worked in a Japanese restaurant. I have to say, Japan is one of my favourite places on earth. Unfortunately, I didn't take many photos while I was over there because I was too amazed.

We did however go to Hakone, a hot spring town. Essentially, the Japanese are the creators of the onsen. A giant spa, originally run on a "line" from a hot spring, naturally heating up the water. One thing about onsens is that you have to be completely naked. 

None of my family thought about this when we booked a family onsen under the stars after dinner. Awkward for all.

The hotel we stayed at however, had an amazing dinner prepared.

I can't remember everything on this plate but yes, that is a snail!

Golden Temple

Dinner with a cook your own!

Japanese Breakfast

A bit of Zen

Kid's Menu

Japan is truly an amazing country & I'll definitely be back there later. There are so many things I tried but ate before I could take a snap of them... Ah well!

Ella xx


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